April 14, 2015
To declare March 30, 2015, as “National Doctors’ Day” in the District of Columbia to honor the medical staff at United Medical Center.
WHEREAS, the Doctors’ Day appreciation ceremony at United Medical Center (“UMC”) will honor approximately 180 providers for their dedication to the medical profession and for caring for the medical needs of UMC’s community;
WHEREAS, Doctors’ Day was established in 1958 by act of the United States Congress to nationally commemorate the medical profession;
WHEREAS, on March 30, 1842, Dr. Crawford W. Long of Jefferson, Georgia discovered the use of ether as an anesthetic agent for surgery;
WHEREAS, Dr. Long’s contribution to the medical profession has made the date of his medical discovery an appropriate day to salute doctors nationwide;
WHEREAS, the doctors of UMC have been providing, and continue to provide, services in one of the most medically underserved areas of the District of Columbia;
WHEREAS, the medical staff of UMC has demonstrated its commitment and dedication to UMC’s mission and vision, encompassed by the Strategic Plan approved by the UMC Board of Directors and supported by the Mayor and Council; and
WHEREAS, the District of Columbia recognizes and salutes the efforts of UMC and the many physicians who provide medical care to the residents of Ward 8 and surrounding areas of the District of Columbia.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, that the Council of the District of Columbia congratulates the staff at UMC on the occasion of National Doctor’s Day, commends the staff for their extraordinary commitment to the patients and residents in the District of Columbia, and declares March 30, 2015, as “National Doctors’ Day” in the District of Columbia
Sec. 2. This resolution may be cited as the “United Medical Center Doctors’ Appreciation Day Recognition Resolution of 2015”.
Sec. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in
the District of Columbia Register