4496452 Fee Schedule  





    The Director of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (Director), pursuant to the authority under paragraph 7 of the General Expenses titles of An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1909 (35 Stat. 689, ch. 250; D.C. Official Code § 6-661.01(a) (2008 Repl.)) and Mayor’s Order 2013-23, dated January 29, 2013; Section 101(b) of the Omnibus Regulatory Reform Amendment Act of 1998, effective April 29, 1998 (D.C. Law 12-86; D.C. Official Code § 47-2851.04(c)(1) (2005 Repl. & 2012 Supp.)); and D.C. Official Code § 29-102.12(a) (2011 Repl.) and Mayor’s Order 2011-178, dated October 25, 2011, hereby gives notice of the intent to adopt amendments to Chapter 1 (DCRA Permits Division Schedule of Fees) of Title 12K (D.C. Construction Codes Supplement of 2008); Chapter 5 (Basic Business License Schedule of Fees) and Chapter 6 (DCRA Corporations Division Schedule of Fees) of Title 17 (Business, Occupations and Professions) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR).


    The proposed rulemaking would maintain the fee charged on DCRA Permits Division, Business Licensing Division, and Corporations Division transactions to cover the costs of enhanced technological capabilities for each division.


    Pursuant to Section 101(b) of the Omnibus Regulatory Reform Amendment Act of 1998, effective April 29, 1998 (D.C. Law 12-86; D.C. Official Code § 47-2851.04(c)(1)(B) (2012 Supp.)) and D.C. Official Code § 29-102.12(d) (2011 Repl.), the proposed amendments to Title 17, Chapters 5 and 6 of the DCMR will be submitted to the Council of the District of Columbia for a thirty- (30-) day and forty-five- (45-) day period of review, respectively, and final rulemaking action will not be taken until the later of forty-five (45) days after the date of publication of this notice in the D.C. Register or Council approval of the amendment.


    Title 12 K (DCRA PERMITS DIVISION SCHEDULE OF FEES), Chapter 1 (DCRA Permits Division Schedule of Fees), Section 100.2 of the DCMR is amended to read as follows:


    100.2               Starting on October 1, 2010, the Director shall charge an additional fee of ten percent (10%) on the total cost of each permit issued, or document furnished, pursuant to this chapter to cover the costs of enhanced technological capabilities of the Permits Division.


    Title 17 (BUSINESS, OCCUPATIONS AND PROFESSIONS), Chapter 5 (Basic Business License Schedule of Fees), Section 500.4 of the DCMR is amended to read as follows:


    500.4               Starting on October 1, 2010, the Director shall charge an additional fee of ten percent (10%) on the total cost of each basic business license issued pursuant to this chapter to cover the costs of enhanced technological capabilities of the basic business licensing system.


    Title 17 (BUSINESS, OCCUPATIONS AND PROFESSIONS), Chapter 6 (DCRA Corporations Division Schedule of Fees), Section 600.1 of the DCMR is amended to read as follows:


    600.1               This chapter establishes the fees and charges for filings, certifications, and reports submitted to or requested of the Corporations Division of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.  In addition to the amounts set out in this section, the Director shall charge an additional fee of ten percent (10%) on the total cost of any filing or document that is submitted to, or requested from, the Corporations Division to cover the costs of enhanced technological capabilities.



    All persons desiring to comment on these proposed regulations should submit comments in writing to Helder Gil, Legislative Affairs Specialist, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, 1100 Fourth Street, SW, Room 5164, Washington, D.C. 20024, or via e-mail at helder.gil@dc.gov, not later than thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the D.C. Register. Persons with questions concerning this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking should call (202) 442-4400. Copies of the proposed rules can be obtained from the address listed above.  A copy fee of one dollar ($1.00) will be charged for each copy of the proposed rulemaking requested. Free copies are available on the DCRA website at http://dcra.dc.gov by going to the “About DCRA” tab, clicking on “News Room”, and then clicking on “Rulemaking”.