4540587 ACR 20-73, "1415 Girard Street Cooperative Recognition Resolution of 2013"  






    June 26, 2013



    To recognize the trailblazing efforts and unrelenting commitment demonstrated on behalf of former and existing association members at 1415 Girard Street, N.W., to maintain affordable housing for District residents in Columbia Heights, and to declare July 22, 2013, as “1415 Girard Street Cooperative Day” in the District of Columbia.


                WHEREAS, in 1950, 12 members consisting of Roslyn Allen, Chrystabelle Armstrong, Grover Baird, Louise Clarke, William Douglas, Thomasina Huff, Mary Hughes, Mason Jackson, John Jones, Lucicia Lucas, Cato Whiteley, and Charles McDonald, decided to take destiny into their own hands and establish the 1415 Girard Street Cooperative; 


                WHEREAS, over 60 years, the 1415 Girard Street Cooperative excelled and provided invaluable opportunities for individuals and families to be introduced to home ownership, but later experienced impactful events that significantly challenged the cooperative’s ability to operate at full capacity within the Columbia Heights community;


                WHEREAS, ss members of the cooperative, they declined lucrative offers to purchase the property;


                WHEREAS, with tenacity and extensive research, the group decided to develop an exclusive partnership with City First Homes to receive vital assistance to retain ownership of the building, and avoid impeding threats to increase monthly payments;


                WHEREAS, City First Homes offered a comprehensive plan to complete renovations, diminish debt, and reverse negative cash flow to ensure sustainable and long-term affordable spaces; 


                WHEREAS, City First Homes and City Bank successfully secured $1.1 million in private and philanthropic funds to rehabilitate vacant spaces and remodel occupied units;


                WHEREAS, owners will be able to participate in wealth creation as units continue to appreciate in worth along with the progressive Columbia Heights community; and


                WHEREAS, as this cooperative moves forward, Mason Jackson, one of the original members of the association, will proudly continue on the new journey with the rehabilitated 1415 Girard Street Cooperative.    


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the “1415 Girard Street Cooperative Recognition Resolution of 2013”.


              Sec. 2.  The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes and honors the invaluable contributions of the founding and current members of the 1415 Girard Street Cooperative for their steadfast efforts to provide District residents with viable and affordable housing options for over 60 years, and hereby declares July 22, 2013 as “1415 Girard Street Cooperative Day” in the District of Columbia.    


              Sec 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.