4542042 ACR 20-87, "Mr. Jimmy Recognition Resolution of 2013"  





    July 10, 2013



    To recognize the hard work and personal dedication of Mr. Jimmy for 40 years of sobriety, and 29 years of his dynamic and trailblazing efforts to help people throughout the District of Columbia, and to declare July 15, 2013, as “Mr. Jimmy Day” in the District of Columbia.   



                WHEREAS, Mr. Jimmy arrived to the District of Columbia after living 11 years clean following his residence in North Carolina and New York City;


                WHEREAS, while attending meetings at the Metropolis Club, he became known affectionately as New York Jimmy;          


                WHEREAS, Mr. Jimmy consistently demonstrates excellence and works tirelessly to help people find God’s will for themselves, and attain a 24-hour reprieve from drug addiction and alcoholism; 


                WHEREAS, Mr. Jimmy has achieved near perfect attendance for many years, and specifically, more than 19 years at Clean and Sober Streets, every day, and this truly speaks directly to his level of persistence and dedication;


                WHEREAS, he is loved and cherished far and wide for his personal commitment to transforming so many lives to date;


                WHEREAS, Mr. Jimmy has received invaluable support from Mr. Tom (Tom One), his sponsor and Co-Founder of Clean and Sober Streets, along with his lovely wife, Ms. Marie; and


                WHEREAS, on July 15, 2013, Mr. Jimmy celebrates 40 years of uninterrupted sobriety.


                RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this resolution may be cited as the "Mr. Jimmy Recognition Resolution of 2013".  




                Sec. 2.  The Council of the District of Columbia recognizes and honors Mr. Jimmy for his outstanding contribution and invaluable service to the District of Columbia, especially Clean and Sober Streets Organization, and hereby declares July 15, 2013, as “Mr. Jimmy Day” in the District of Columbia.   


                Sec. 3.  This resolution shall take effect immediately upon the first date of publication in the District of Columbia Register.