3384929 Environment, District Department of the - Public hearings for proposed rulemaking on stormwater management and soil erosion and sediment control October 18 and November 5, 2012  





    Proposed Rulemaking on Stormwater Management and

    Soil Erosion and Sediment Control


    Thursday, October 18, 2012 2:00 pm

    District Department of the Environment

    1200 First Street, NE, 10th Floor Conference Room 1012A

    NoMa-Gallaudet University Metro Stop, Washington, D.C.


    Monday, November 5, 2012 6:00 pm

    District Department of the Environment

    1200 First Street, NE, 7th Floor Conference Room 718

    NoMa-Gallaudet University Metro Stop, Washington, D.C.


    The Director of the District Department of the Environment (DDOE) invites the public to present its views and comments on DDOE’s proposed rulemaking on stormwater management and soil erosion and sediment control at the public hearings identified above.  This rulemaking would amend chapter 5 (Water Quality and Pollution) of title 21 (Water and Sanitation) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR), comprehensively amending the stormwater regulations and the soil erosion and sediment control regulations. Specifically, these amendments repeal and replace §§ 500 to 545 and 599, and add §§ 546 and 547.  The proposed rulemaking is available at http://ddoe.dc.gov/proposedstormwaterrule and 59 DCR 9486 (Aug. 10, 2012).


    The Director of DDOE also invites the public to present its views and comments on DDOE’s revised Stormwater Management Guidebook (SWMG) at the public hearings identified above. DDOE has updated and expanded the SWMG to be consistent with and provide guidance on compliance with the proposed rulemaking. This includes design specifications for stormwater management practices that can be used to achieve compliance.  The revised SWMG is available at http://ddoe.dc.gov/proposedstormwaterrule.


    A person need not attend a public hearing in order to submit comments on the proposed rulemaking or revised SWMG.  Written comments may be submitted directly to DDOE by mail, hand delivery, or email. Instructions for submitting written comments appear below.  DDOE will also consider oral statements provided at the public hearings; however, for the accuracy of the record, DDOE requests that all comments also be submitted in writing.  DDOE will accept comments on both the proposed rulemaking and the draft SWMG throughout the ninety (90) day comment period, which runs through November 8, 2012.


    DDOE appreciates the time, insight, and expertise that go into submitting comments, especially on lengthy and technical documents such as the proposed rule and SWMG.  DDOE will carefully consider all of the comments that it receives and expects these comments to play an important role in shaping and improving the rulemaking and SWMG.  DDOE recognizes that the comments it receives may result in substantial changes to the rule and SWMG.  DDOE plans to hold an additional public comment period before finalizing the rulemaking, if it makes substantial changes.

    In addition to public hearings, DDOE is hosting numerous training sessions during the public comment period.  These sessions are open to the general public and provide opportunities to discuss the proposed rulemaking and revised SWMG in detail.  The schedule for these sessions is available at http://ddoe.dc.gov/proposedstormwaterrule.


    Instructions for Submitting Written Comments


    For the proposed rulemaking, comments should identify the commenter, be clearly marked “Stormwater Rule”, and be: (1) mailed or hand-delivered to Attn: Brian Van Wye, Natural Resources Administration, 1200 First Street, N.E., 5th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20002, Attention: Stormwater Rules; (2) e-mailed to SW.Rule@dc.gov, with the subject indicated as “Stormwater Rule Comments”; or (3) delivered in person at a public hearing.


    For the revised SWMG, comments should identify the commenter, should be clearly marked “Stormwater Guidebook”, and be: (1) mailed or hand-delivered to Attn: Rebecca Stack, Natural Resources Administration, 1200 First Street, N.E., 5th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20002, Attention: Stormwater Guidebook; (2) e-mailed to SW.Guidebook@dc.gov, with the subject indicated as “Stormwater Guidebook Comments”; or (3) delivered in person at a public hearing.


    Additional details on the public nature of submitted comments and the procedure for reviewing comments are available in the proposed rulemaking.