6211703 Documents, Office of - Errata Notice - Correction to Final Rulemaking published August 26, 2016
The Administrator of the Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances (ODAI), pursuant to the authority set forth in Section 309 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968, as amended (82 Stat. 1203; D.C. Official Code § 2-559 (2012 Repl.)), hereby gives notice of corrections to the Notice of Final Rulemaking and Z.C. Order No. 08-06E issued by the Zoning Commission for the District of Columbia and published in the D.C. Register on August 26, 2016, at 63 DCR 10932.
The final rulemaking amended Subtitle A (Authority and Applicability), Chapter 1 (Introduction to Title 11), of Title 11 (Zoning Regulations of 2016) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR). An amendment to § 102.4 of § 102 (Vested Rights Under the Previous 1958 Zoning Regulations, As Amended) mistakenly referenced language proposed in an upcoming case and not what the Zoning Commission previously proposed and voted to adopt.
The correction to the final rulemaking is made below (additions are shown in bold underlined text and deletions are shown in
strikethroughtext):Chapter 1, INTRODUCTION TO TITLE 11, of Title 11-A DCMR, AUTHORITY AND APPLICABILITY, is amended as follows:
Section 102, VESTED RIGHTS UNDER THE PREVIOUS 1958 ZONING REGULATIONS, AS AMENDED, § 102.4, is corrected as follows:
An application to the Board of Zoning Adjustment or the Zoning Commission for a modification, other than a minor modification, to a vested project shall conform with the 2016 Regulations.Any proposed amendment or modification to a vested project identified within this section that cannot be granted by the Zoning Administrator as a deviation permitted by Subtitle A § 304 or as a minor modification permitted by Subtitle X § 311.6 shall conform with the 2016 Regulations and if no building permit has been issued for the vested project, the entire project must conform with the 2016 Regulations.This Errata Notice’s correction to the Notice of Final Rulemaking is non-substantive in nature and does not alter the intent, application, or purpose of the proposed rules. The rules are effective upon the original publication date of August 26, 2016.
Any questions or comments regarding this notice shall be addressed by mail to Victor L. Reid, Esq., Administrator, Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances, 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 520 South, Washington, D.C. 20001, email at victor.reid@dc.gov, or via telephone at (202) 727-5090.