493456 Stormwater Fee Revisions  





    Monday, October 25, 2010 6:00 pm

    District Department of the Environment,

    1200 First Street, NE, 5th Floor Conference Room 512

    Washington, D.C 20002

    New York Avenue Metro Stop


    The District Department of the Environment (DDOE) invites the public to present its views on a proposed rulemaking. The proposed rule is published in this D.C. Register. The rulemaking updates the methods for assessing stormwater fees to single family residences for the cost of implementing best management practices to reduce pollutants from entering the District’s rivers and streams.  Fees are required for the District to manage stormwater in accordance with its permit requirements, to control and reduce pollutants from the stormwater to the rivers and streams, including installation of stormwater controls on roadways, and increased cleaning and maintenance of stormwater drains. Currently, all single family residences are assessed a charge of one (1) Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU).  An ERU is based on the median area of a single family residential property in the District of Columbia, and is an administrative simplification measure defined for billing purposes as 1,000 square feet.  The proposed rule would introduce a tiered fee structure for single family residences that better reflects differences in property size.  This rule would group single family residences into “tiers” based on their amount of impervious surface.  Smaller single family homes will pay lower stormwater fees than larger single family homes.  The proposed rule also adjusts the rate that is charged to each ERU. 


    Persons who wish to testify are requested to furnish his or her name, address, telephone number, and the organization he or she represents, if any, in writing by 4:00 PM on October 25, 2010. Comments should be sent to the attention of Jeffery Seltzer, marked “Stormwater Fees”, at the DDOE address above, or at Jeffery.Seltzer@dc.gov.  Oral statements will be heard and considered, but for accuracy of the record, all statements should be submitted in writing. The Director will consider all comments prior to publishing final rulemaking.