526145 Adding new subtitle K, chapter 1 to Title 12 of the DCMR establishing the fees to be charged by the DCRA for building permits, certificates of occupancy, and other permits required by the District of Columbia Construction Codes or the ...
The City Administrator, pursuant to the authority under paragraph 7 of the General Expenses titles of An Act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1909 (35 Stat. 689, ch. 250; D.C. Official Code § 6-661.01(a)) and Mayor’s Order 88-16, dated January 22, 1988, hereby gives notice of the adoption of the following rulemaking.
This rulemaking adds a new subtitle K, chapter 1 to Title 12 (D.C. Construction Codes) of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations establishing the fees to be charged by the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) for building permits, certificates of occupancy, and other permits required by the District of Columbia Construction Codes or the Director of DCRA.
These rules were previously published as an emergency and proposed rulemaking in the D.C. Register on May 28, 2010 at 57 DCR 4642. No comments were received in response to that notice and no changes have been made. These final rules will be effective upon publication of this notice in the D.C. Register.
Title 12 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations is amended by adding a new Subtitle K, Chapter 1 to read as follows:
100 General Provisions
101 Building Permit Fees
100.1 This chapter establishes the fees for building permits, certificates of occupancy, and other permits required by the District of Columbia Construction Codes or code official.
100.2 Starting on October 1, 2010, the Director shall charge an additional fee of ten percent (10%) on the total cost of each permit issued, or document furnished, pursuant to this chapter to cover the costs of enhanced technological capabilities of the Permits Division. The additional fee required by this subsection shall expire on October 1, 2013.
101.1 The Director shall charge the following fees, pursuant to the Construction Codes Approval and Amendments Act of 1986, effective March 21, 1987 (D.C. Law 6-126; D.C. Official Code § 6-1405.01):
(a) Building structures and equipment:
Fee Description
Fee Amount
New construction and alterations
Filing deposit
50% of the assessed permit fee based on the estimated cost of construction not to exceed $20,000.
New construction and additions
Permit fee
$0.03 per cubic foot of construction
Green Building Fee - New construction
$0.002 per square foot of construction
Alteration and
Permit Fee: construction valued less than $500
Permit Fee: construction valued between $501-$1,000
Permit Fee: construction valued between $1,001-$1 million
$30 + 2% of construction value $1001-$1 million
Permit Fee: construction valued over $1 million
$10,030 + 1% of total construction cost
Green Building Fee: construction valued between $1,001-$1 million
0.13% of construction value
Green Building Fee: construction valued over $1 million
$1,300 + 0.0065% of construction value over $1 million
Asbestos removal
Same as alteration/repair
$65 each
Capacity placard review
Contamination testing
$30 + 2% of construction cost
Excavation only
Less than 50,000 cubic feet
50,000 cubic feet or more
Fire retardant painting
Less than 200 square feet
200 square feet or more
Fence on private property (installation or repair)
Foundation only
Less than 50,000 cubic feet
50,000 cubic feet or more
Garage (new) or shed (new)
100 or fewer seats
101-500 seats
501-1,000 seats
Each additional 1,000 seats
Projection into public space
$65 each
$130 each
Modification (variance)
$130 each
$0.02/cubic foot
Retaining wall, tank, tower
$46/$1000 of construction cost
Sheeting & shoring
Less than 50,000 cubic feet
50,000 cubic feet or more
New up to 25 square feet
New between 25-100 square feet
More than 100 sq. ft.
$130 + $2 for each square foot over 100 square feet
Billboard repair
$33 each
Special Sign artwork change
$500 each
Swimming Pool
Up to 15,000 gallons
More than 15,000 gallons
$260 + $33/1000 gallon
Test boring for gas/soil/water
Miscellaneous (antenna, kiosk, pole, satellite dish, temporary barricade/fence/trailer/sidewalk shed/bridge, tent, tower crane)
$33 each
Permit renewal or change of permit ownership
$33 each
Postcard Permit
$33 each
(b) Special permits and reviews:
Fee Amount
Commission for Fine Arts review filing (first time, non-refundable)
Requiring Mayor’s signature
$130 additional
Design Review Meeting
Single family
Commercial: less than 10,000 sq. ft. (1 hour maximum)
Commercial: between 10,000-100,000 sq. ft. (2 hour maximum)
Commercial: 100,001 square feet and greater (3 hour maximum)
Additional: per full or fraction of hour
Repeat Technical Review
(rejected, revised, re-reviewed plans)
Single family
Commercial: less than 10,000 square feet
Commercial: between 10,000-100,000 square feet
Commercial: 100,001 square feet and greater
Tenant layout
Home Occupation
Non-refundable permit filing fee
Permit issuance fee
Certificate of Occupancy
$7 for regular copy; $20 for certified copy/affidavit
5,000 square feet or less
$42 + $33 filing fee
5,001-50,000 square feet
$42 + $0.004/square foot + $33 filing fee
50,001-100,000 square feet
$276 + $0.003/square foot + $33 filing fee
100,001 sq. ft. or more
$471 + $0.0013/square foot. + $33 filing fee
Certificate of Use
Enclosed sidewalk café
$260 + $0.03/cubic foot
Certificate of use
$260 per year
(c) Supplemental permits:
Annual inspection certification-BBPV
$33 each
Boiler furnace change or rebuilding
$52 each
Boiler – MB
$46 each
Fired object (misc.)
$46 each
Incinerator & trash chutes
0-100 lbs/hour or domestic incinerator
$33 each
101-300 lbs/hour
301-500 lbs/hour
Over 500 lbs/hour
H/W boiler
0-500 gals/hour
$46 each
Over 500 gals/hour
$52 each
0-300 lbs
$33 each
Over 300 lbs
$52 each
Heating boiler
0-1200 MBH
$33 each
1201-6000 MBH
$52 each
Over 6000 MBH
$65 each
0-8,500 sq. ft.
$52 each
Over 8,500 sq. ft.
$100 each
Miniature boiler
Up to 500 gallons/hour
$46 each
500 gallons/hour and over
$52 each
Oil-fired furnace
0-100 MBH
$26 each
Over 100 MBH
$33 each
Power boiler
Q-10 HP; or 1675-8369 MBH
$52 each
11-50 HP; or 8370-16,739 MBH
$65 each
51-150 HP
$100 each
Over 150 HP; over 33,479 MBH
$195 each
0-1674 MBH
$33 each
16,740-33,479 MBH
$111 each
Trash chute: No incinerator installation or misc.
$46 each
Unfired pressure vessel
$33 each
(d) Additional supplemental permits:
Group 1. Outlet (receptacle, switch, or fixture) wiring only
Outlets(receptacles, switches, fixtures)
$20 for each 10, or fraction of 10
Group 2. Fixture & Lamp Holder
Lights fixtures and lamp holders
$8 for each 10, or fraction of 10
Group 3. Electrical Discharge Sign
Up to 500 VA
Each additional whole or fraction of 500 VA
Group 4. Heating Equipment
Baseboard or space heater
$10/KW up to 10 KW; $6 for each additional KW
Furnace or unit heater
$36 for first one; $16, each additional
Furnace controls wiring/replacement only
$24 each
Group 5. Commercial Heating and Cooking
Appliance, 1-8 kW range
$26 for first one; $16, each additional
Appliance, over 8 kW range
$36 for first one; $16, each additional
Group 6. Motors & Generators
Less than ¼ HP range
$20 for each 10 or fraction of 10
¼-1 HP range
$33 for first motor; $16 for each additional
1-5 HP range
$46 for first motor; $16 for each additional
Over 5-10 HP range
$60 for first motor; $20 for each additional
Over 10-20 HP range
$72 for first motor; $26 for each additional
Over 20-30 HP range
$91 for first motor; $39 for each additional
Over 30-50 HP range
$117 for first motor; $47 for each additional
Over 50-75 HP range
$130 for first motor; $52 for each additional
Over 75 HP range
$143 for first motor; $65 for each additional
Group 7. Service
Service conductor - conductors and poles
$26 for first service/pole; $8 each additional service/pole
Service conductor - overhead/underground
$20 each
Group 8. Service & Meter Equipment
Up to 20 Amp range
$39 for first; $16 for each additional
201-400 Amp range
$52 for first; $24 for each additional
401-800 Amp range
$78 for first; $39 for each additional
Over 800 Amp range
$124 for first; $52 for each additional
Group 9. Transformers
1-10 kVA range
$33 for first; $16 for each additional
11-75 kVA range
$46 for first; $20 for each additional
76-200 kVA range
$55 for first; $23 for each additional
Over 200 kVA range (vault)
$117 for first; $52 for each additional
Group 10. Theater or Other Places of Public Assembly Equipment
$33 for first arc; $16 each additional
$26 for first portable/temporary arc; $16 each additional
$20 for first portable/incandescent; $8 each additional
Motion picture machine
$65 for first permanent; $33 for each additional
$39 for first portable; $20 for each additional
Slide projector
$36 for first; $20 each additional
Amplifier or portable switchboard
$33 for first; $16 each additional
Switchboard or dimmer over 1kW
$26 for first; $16 each additional
Portable TV installation
$26 for first receiver; $13 each additional
Portable or temporary incandescent light (no spotlights)
$26 for 1-25 lights;
$33 for 26-50 lights; $39 for 51-100 lights$13 for each additional 100 lights or fraction of 100
Group 11. Temporary Installations, Decorations, Lawn Fetes, etc
1-25 lights
$33 for the first 90 days; $16 for each additional 90 days or more
26-50 lights
$39 for the first 90 days; $20 for each additional 90 days or more
51-100 lights
$55 for the first 90 days; $28 for each additional 90 days or more
Each additional 100 lights
$20 for the first 90 days; $8 for each additional 90 days or more
Use of current on wiring, apparatus, and fixtures, for use pending installation completion
$55 for the first 90 days; $28 for each additional 90 days
$125 for up to 50 kW; $125 for each additional 100 kW
$60 for up to 3000 square feet; $33 for each additional 1000 square feet
Group 12. Radio and Television
Centralized receiver amplifier
$33 for the first amplifier; $25 for each additional
Centralized speaker station
$20 for the first station; $20 for each 10 or fraction of 10
Closed circuit television camera
$26 for the first camera; $20 for each additional
Receiving station (including antenna/ground connection device for receivers)
$20 for the first station; $15 for each additional
Transmitting station
$65 for the first station; $33 for each additional
Group 13. Miscellaneous (R=Residential)
ARC vapor lamp
$26 for the first; $16 for each additional
Battery charger
$33 for the first; $16 for each additional
Crane, electric, for construction work
Central air conditioning system, up to 5 T (R)
$65 for the first; $26 each for 2-25 systems; and $16 each for more than 25
Clothes dryer (R) or range (R)
$20 for the first; $7 for each additional
$20 per floor
Electric furnace (R)
$39 for the first; $29 each for 2-25 systems; and $16 each for more than 25
Electric sign-incandescent
$8 for each 10 or fraction of 10
Fire alarm system devices
$20 for each 10 or fraction of 10
Panel board replacement/feeder conductor replacement
$20 for the first panel board/feeder; $8 for each additional
Preventive maintenance
$130 per switchboard
Rectifier or welder
$39 for the first; $16 for each additional
X-ray machine
$33 for the first; $16 for each additional
Postcard Permit: Electrical General
$20 each
Postcard Permit: Electrical Heavy-Up
$59 each
Fire alarm/smoke/heat detectors; or LV telephone/data/voice outlets; or LV security alarm devices/data/voice devices; or sprinkler flow/tamper switches
$20 each 10 or fraction of 10
Minimum permit fee
Appliances installation each type
$26 for the first; $20 for each additional
Gas conversion burner installation
$46 each
Postcard Permit
$26 per fixture or appliance
Gas appliances include boilers, cookers, ranges, furnaces, heaters, ironers (commercial or residential), kettles, mangles, radiators, refrigerators, stills, water heaters, grills, fireplaces, dryers, ovens, broilers, and fryers.
Air Conditioning
Class E - 0-120,000 BTU/h
$46 each
Class D - 120,000-600,000 BTU/h
$78 each
Class C - 600,001-1,200,000 BTU/h
$195 each
Class B - 1,200,001-2,400,000 BTU/h
$260 each
Class A - over 2,400,000 BTU/h
$390 each
Postcard Permit (up to 10 Ton)
$46 each
Line cap (includes sewer, water); line cut (includes gas, sewer, soil waste, vent, and water lines); line test (gas lines); or meter relocation (gas or water)
$26 each
Plumbing fixture
$26 for the first; $20 for each additional
Postcard Permit
$26 per fixture or appliance
Sprinkler system
(alter, install, repair, & check valve)
NFPA 13 system, up to 50 heads
$4 per head
Each additional head over 50
$2 per head
NFPA 13R or 13D system, up to 20 heads
$3 per head
Plumbing fixtures including backflow preventers, basins, bath tubs, bidets, dishwashers, down spouts, drains (area/floor/roof), drinking fountains, garbage disposals, grease interceptors, hose bibs, laundry tubs, sewage ejectors, showers, sinks, slop sinks, sump pumps, urinals, washer boxes, and water closets.
Boundary Surveys
Field work
Wall Examination
Wall examination
$182 + $117/hour
Surveys: all types except wall exams
(minimum of 2 hours charged)
$255 + $117/hour
Wall compilation
$60 per building
Building Plats
Up to 3 usual-shaped lots
More than 3 usual-shaped lots
Each additional lot
Unusual-shaped lots/large size tracts
Optional expedited building plat
Optional electronic building plat
Certified copies of records
Optional Preliminary Review Meetings
With Surveyor
With Surveyor’s office staff
Computation Plat
Research, computation, preparation, and recording of plat up to 3 usual-shaped sites
More than 3 usual-shaped sites
Each additional site
Correction of plat or plans
Registration of Land Surveyors
Retake of examination
Renewal of certification
Late renewal of certification
Reinstatement of certification
Street and Alley Closings or Revisions
Closing application initial processing stage
Final processing stage
Application Revision
Prior to completion of agency review application
$130 each
After initial agency review
Dedication only of street and alley
Changing application basis after legislative package prepared
$72 each
Changing application basis after recordation
$101 each
Public Hearing and Recording
Public hearing and recording
$1,170 each
Change of Highway Plan
Research, computation, and preparation
Public hearing and recording
Transfer of jurisdiction plat
Subdivision of Land Plats for:
Up to 3 usual-shaped lots
More than 3 usual-shaped lots
Each additional lot
Irregular shaped sites (minimum fee for usual-shaped lot)
Redrawing plat of subdivision
Correcting/amending plat prior to recordation
Analysis of deed description
Preparing written metes and bounds description
Correcting/amending plat prior to recordation
Property Line Analysis Statement
Issuance of written statement
Site visit (no written statement)
Establishment or Abandonment of Easements
Miscellaneous plat
Field work
Recordation of Private Surveyors Plats
Filing wall examination report
Condo Plats
Initial recording of plats and plans
$20 per recorded sheet
Recording amended plan and/pr plan
$20 per amended sheet
Cancellation of private surveyor’s recorded condo plat
Survey Copy Fees
Prints from document or from microfilm normal service
Plat obtained from archival storage
Plus print
Unusually large prints
Fire Suppression Systems: Hoods and Ducts
1-50 nozzles
$6 each
Each nozzle thereafter
$3 each
Minimum project review fee
Shop Drawing Review
Shop drawing review fees
Elevator repair fee
1% of construction cost
New elevator fee
Designation of a New Address
New address
$25 each
Modification and Variance Requests
Modification and variance requests