5663459 Abbreviated Notice of Intent to Consider Legislation, PR21-315, 965 Florida Ave., N.W., Second Disposition Extension Approval Resolution of 2015  

  • Council of the District of Columbia

    Committee of the Whole

    1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 410

    Washington, DC 20004 







                The Council of the District of Columbia hereby gives notice of its intention to take action in less than fifteen days on PR 21-315, the “965 Florida Ave, N.W., Second Disposition Extension Approval Resolution of 2015” to allow for the proposed resolution to be considered at the October 6, 2015 meeting of the Council.  The abbreviated notice is necessary to allow the Council to provide for an extension of time to dispose of the District land necessary to allow the development of 965 Florida Ave, N.W. to proceed before the Council’s original authorization, approved September 22, 2015, expires.  Two nearly identical extension resolutions were introduced and withdrawn or deemed disapproved during this Council period because consideration of the underlying disposition was not approved until September 22, 2015.