4566486 Public Hearing Notice (Revised) on B20-422, “Certified Business Enterprise Program Enhanced Reform Amendment Act of 2013” and B20-181, “Small and Certified Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Amendment Act of 2013”  

  • Council of the District of Columbia

    Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs

    Notice of Public Hearing


    John A. Wilson Building   1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite G-6    Washington, DC 20004                                          

    Revised Notice


    Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr., Chair

    Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs

    Announces a Public Hearing




    B20-422, the “Certified Business Enterprise Program

    Enhanced Reform Amendment Act of 2013”




    B20-181, the “Small and Certified Business Enterprise

    Development and Assistance Amendment Act of 2013”


    Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 10 A.M.

    John A. Wilson Building, Room 500

    1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

    Washington, DC 20004


    Councilmember Vincent B. Orange, Sr. announces the scheduling of a public hearing by the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory on Bill 20-422, the “Certified Business Enterprise Program Enhanced Reform Amendment Act of 2013” and Bill 20-181, the “Small and Certified Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Amendment Act of 2013 for Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.  The original public hearing notice incorrectly identified the committee proceedings as a “public oversight roundtable” in the third and fourth paragraphs.  The notice is being revised to correct those errors.


    B20-422 amends D.C. Official Code Sec. 2-218 et. seq., the “Small, Local and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005”.  B20-422 was introduced by Council Chair Phil Mendelson at the request of the Mayor.  The purpose of the bill is to significantly change the Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) Program.  The bill proposes to expand subcontracting requirements of public-private development projects and alter performance and subcontracting requirements.  It proposes changes to equity and development provisions and would permit individuals, not just certified business entities, to invest in public-private development projects.  It strengthens enforcement provisions, provides more specific and strict subcontract-plan requirements, and requires District agencies to establish metrics for meeting small and certified business enterprise utilization requirements.


    Bill 20-181 also proposes to amend the “Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005 for the purposes of amending the CBE Program, re-designating the Act, making clarifying and technical changes to the Act, providing penalties for CBE fraud, and for other purposes. The Committee held a hearing on B20-181 on July 12, 2013 before the Mayor’s proposal was filed with the Council.  This hearing will provide an opportunity for public and government witnesses to comment on both legislative proposals.


     Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to testify at the public hearing are asked to contact Ms. Faye Caldwell, Administrative Assistant to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs, at (202) 727-6683, or via e-mail at fcaldwell@dccouncil.us or Gene Fisher, Committee Director, at gfisher@dccouncil.us and furnish their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business Wednesday, October 16, 2013. Each witness is requested to bring 20 copies of his/her written testimony. Representatives of government agencies, corporate industry, and industry organizations will be limited to 5 minutes in order to permit each witness an opportunity to be heard. Individual witnesses will be limited to 3 minutes.


    If you are unable to testify at the public hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record.  The official record will remain open until close of business Thursday, October 31, 2013.  Copies of written statements should be submitted to the Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs, Council of the District of Columbia, Suite G-6 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004.