3585137 General Services, Department of - Noyes School Public Hearing Notice - Corrected  

  • Department of General Services




    Surplus Resolutions Pursuant To D.C. Official Code 10-801


    The District will conduct public hearing to receive public comments on the proposed surplus of the following District property. The date, time and location shall be as follows:


    Property:         Square 3841 Lots 0829 at 903 Franklin Street, NE

                            Washington, DC  20017, NE


    Date:               October 15, 2012


    Time:               6:30PM


    Location:         Noyes School

                            2725 10th St NE

                            Washington DC 20017


    Contact:          Ian Zipfel, Asset Specialist  

    Department of General Services

    202.724.3997 or Ian.Zipfel@dc.gov


    Please note this is a corrected notice, the address was previously

    903 Franklin Street, NW however it should be

    903 Franklin Street, NE