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    720.1Any person determined to be a domiciliary of the District of Columbia shall be treated as a legal resident and shall be given all rights pertaining to status as a legal resident.


    720.2For purposes of this section, the following classifications shall apply to status determination of certain international students:


    (a)Immigrant - an alien who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States;


    (b)Refugee - an alien who has been legally declared a refugee or who has applied for this status.


    720.3An alien who has filed a petition for adjustment to immigrant status at least ninety (90) days prior to registration and is in one of the following categories shall be granted the privileges of a resident (domiciliary) student:


    (a)Married to a citizen or immigrant of the United States and is the beneficiary of the spouse's petition for immigrant status;


    (b)Has a child who is a United States citizen born prior to January 1, 1977, and who has filed an application for adjustment to immigrant status prior to January 1, 1977;


    (c)Has a child who is a United States citizen at least twenty-one (21) years of age;


    (d)Has an approved petition from the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS);


    (e)Has evidence that an adjustment to immigrant status has been applied for as a result of his employment in an area determined to be in short supply in the U.S.; or


    (f)Is the dependent child of a bona fide domiciliary of the District of Columbia.


    720.4The following aliens, whose purpose for coming to the United States is of a temporary nature, shall have non-domiciliary student status:


    (a)Persons with student (F) visas;


    (b)Persons with diplomatic (A) visas;


    (c)Foreign organization employees with (G) visas; and


    (d)Persons having other non-immigrant visas.